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New Geographical (Im)materialities in Rural Spaces for a Renewed Countryside in the Global North. Some Key Comments in the Rural Geography Debate

Rural and Regional Development . 2024, 2(1), 10003;
Spanish Council for Scientific Research, CSIC, 28071 Madrid, Spain
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 29 Dec 2023    Accepted: 15 Jan 2024    Published: 19 Jan 2024   


From the point of view of the new (im)materialities and the relevance of vernacular house in the process of rural change and restructuring, this contribution comments some possible innovative ways of research in rural studies. The objective of the study is to bring the attention about the relevance of vernacular houses in the process of global rural change and restructuring and their particular expressions in localities and vernacular houses. The methodology in qualitatively based on auto-biographical and ethnographical research based in three houses of study in a marginal rural area of central Spain. The main conclusions suggest a process of hybridization of people and vernacular houses with two different circuits: new comers and traditional populations.


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